Health & Safety representatives and contact information
Health & Safety Rep -Darell (DJ) Strand
If you have questions, concerns, or know of any violations, please contact your union Stewards, first. If you are unable to reach them, contact your Executive Board members. If they cannot be reached, call the office at (519) 253-3000 ext. 1001 — leave a specific message and a number you can be contacted at. They will get back to you.
During regular working hours you can also contact the Central Safety Committee Co-chair or representative responsible for the area where the safety issue is located. Consult the Health and Safety Board in your building for the correct representative and contact information.
If the issue is one of emergency or immediate danger or threat to health and safety, call the Office of Health and Safety’s Associate Director at (519) 253-3000 ext. 2055 or Campus Police at 519 253-3000 ext. 1234 (after regular working hours, Campus Police).
If you are unable to contact any of the above, Ontario has launched a new toll-free number — 1-877-202-0008 — to report workplace health and safety incidents or unsafe work practices, or for general inquiries. On November 1, 2010, the Ministry of Labour launched a Health & Safety Contact Centre, which allows anyone, anywhere in Ontario to call one number to report a workplace health and safety incident, critical injury, fatality or work refusal. The public can also call that number if they suspect unsafe work practices or for general inquiries. The number operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.